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Listen to an interview
(or sections thereof)
about Oxyrich with Dr. Kurt Donsbach

Oxygen The Little Known Healer

Oxyrich Powerpoint Presentation

Oxygen Therapies
a power point presentation by Glen Gillard Dip.NT

Oxyrich Technical Index

Do you often experience mental exhaustion and burnout...?

Your brain represents only about 2 percent of the weight of an average adult but it uses over 20 percent of the body’s oxygen supply! THAT’S A HECK OF A LOT OF OXYGEN! If you’re engaged in complex mental tasks and intellectual pursuits, your brain’s supply of oxygen will be depleted much more rapidly than the average individual.
If you don’t replenish the supply of oxygen to the brain, on a regular basis, you’ll soon experience mental fatigue, stress and burnout.
Prolonged stress creates chronic muscle tension. A result this tension causes muscles to lose their suppleness and elasticity, which slows down the action of the diaphragm and lungs. It’s a chain-reaction that causes the lungs to become less flexible and efficient at their ability to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.
Stress also causes your breathing to become rapid and shallow, which decreases the oxygen available to the muscles and internal organs, and performance and health begin to suffer as a result.
Dr. John Muntz, Nutritional Scientist: "Starved of oxygen the body will become ill, and if this persists it will die, I doubt if there is an argument about that."
If you often experience mental exhaustion or burnout – chances are that your body, and particularly your brain, needs more oxygen!

Do you suffer from colds, infections and
allergies more than other people...?

Infectious microorganisms can’t survive in a slightly alkaline and well oxygenated cellular environment. But listen to this...

You’re probably exposed to environmental pollutants and toxins on a DAILY basis – like pesticides, heavy metals, smog, out-gassed toxins from indoor carpets and furniture. All those chemicals and pollutants rob your body of the needed oxygen. When the oxygen saturation of blood falls, conditions then become ripe for the creation of viruses, infections, diseases and even cancer.
People with various degenerative diseases are often found to have low venous oxygen saturation.<-br> Once the venous oxygen saturation level rises, their health and vitality improve dramatically.
Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg believed that there is a direct correlation between a person’s health and the level of oxygen in his or her bloodstream.
To test his theory he put rat cells in bell jars with both normal and 60% below normal oxygen levels. The cells that had less oxygen weakened mutated or died.  Dr. Warburg was convinced that cancer cells can only begin to proliferate in the human body when the cells become oxygen
Dr. Harry Goldblatt, Journal of Experimental Medicine, said: “Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous.”
The development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, seizures, nerve deterioration, and other degenerative diseases.

Are you an athlete looking for increased physical agility,
strength and stamina...?

Each strenuous physical training produces lactic acid, which is also called the acid of fatigue and sore muscles or acidosis.  This lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and causes many problems such muscular fatigue, joint pain, stiffness, slower recovery from injury or exertion. That murders your progress and results.
The toxins produced in an oxygen deprived cellular environment reduce the absorption of proteins and minerals, which in turn weakens the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones necessary for your body to operate at its peak level. As a result, you’ll be pounded with stress, fatigue, lack of stamina, poor endurance, and general weakness.


is a concentrated liquid oxygen supplement designed specifically to increases the levels of oxygen in the bloodstream. Greater oxygen levels creates better body function, increases peak performance, vitality and a greater feeling of well being.

Oxyrich provides massive amounts of charged oxygen (125,000 parts per million at manufacture). Taken orally, neat or with an equivalent amount of juice or milk added, or in pure water, it increases the level of oxygen in the bloodstream. Plenty of oxygen helps make everything easier for the body.

How it can help you

Oxygen is the most vital element to the human body. 90% of of our body's life energy is created by oxygen. Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological resources which can result in ailments ranging from mild fatigue to life threatening diseases. Oxyrich, from Reach for Life , provides a highly effective solution to one of our most perplexing problems: How to feed our bodies more oxygen thus allowing our bodies to more effectively oxidize and metabolize life and health giving nutrients.

After taking Oxyrich carbon monoxide in the blood is removed and oxygenates the body's 6 trillion cells, enhances energy, boosts the immune system, helps normalize Ph levels, increases cellular respiration, balances the body metabolism, delivers nutrients in an ionic form, boosts bioavailability of other nutrients..


Safe and Environmentally Friendly

Oxyrich is manufactured using proprietary technology without the use of chemicals, it does not contain any banned substances. At manufacture Oxyrich contains no less than 5% v/v of pure di-atomic oxygen in a base of De-Ionised Grander Living Water and unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt .Oxyrich is pH balanced, therefore safe to use undiluted directly on skin or mucous membranes.


A Healthy person would use 25 drops, up to 3 ml. undiluted or in glass of water three times a day. For acute situations use 5ml 3 times a day.

Oxyrich is:

Oxygen may be depleted in the body through such factors as:

The symptoms of oxygen deficiency can include:

OxyRich works to:

  1. Help alleviate fatigue
  2. Maximise natural mental clarity
  3. Top up energy levels and;
  4. Plays a role in evading other deficiencies

Who may find benefit from taking OxyRich? Just about everyone! Especially:

  1. Smokers
  2. Air travelers
  3. Short distance and long haul drivers
  4. People who have high stress lives and jobs
  5. Active people of all ages
  6. People who live, work or play in unhealthy environments
  7. It’s also a great boost after a night on the grog!

Oxyrich is manufactured using proprietary technology without the use of chemicals, it does not contain any banned substances. At manufacture Oxyrich contains no less than 5% v/v of pure di-atomic oxygen in a base of De-Ionised Grander Living Water and unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt. Oxyrich is pH balanced, therefore safe to use undiluted directly on skin or mucous membranes.

Dosage: A Healthy person would use 25 drops, up to 3 ml. undiluted or in glass of water three times a day. For acute situations use 5ml 3 times a day.

Chemical Description: De-Ionised Water, sodium chloride (unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt) and stabilised diatomic oxygen molecules (O2)

Appearance (liquid): Liquid, non-viscous

Colour (Gardner): no colour, clear

Odor: mild chloride smell

Density (g/cm3): 1.08

Specific Gravity: 1.08

pH: (d25’ C): 7.6-8.2

Flash Point (C): N/A

Solubility: water, alcohol, and all non- petroleum solvents.

Acute Oral Toxicology: None

Dermal Toxicity: None

Inhalation Toxicity: None

Eye Irritation: Full strength, none. No eye injury.

Efficacy Tests conducted

Independent Analysis: SGS U.S. Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ Nelson Laboratories, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT

OxyrichTM is a broad spectrum antimicrobial solution created from water and sodium chloride (Atlantic Sea Salt) in a proprietary manufacturing process


Reach for Life Pty. Ltd.