Oxygen The Little Known Healer Dr. David Curthbertson, Dr. Freda Feng & Glen Gillard NT Dip.(gov.accred) The Little-Known Healer |
●Oxygen, in various forms, has been used successfully in human health for over a hundred years but this is not widely known because, as a natural product, oxygen cannot be patented. Thus it is not financially feasible for a company to market and advertise something over which it has no sole marketing rights. ●Oxygen is about the most vital element required for human life and adequate intake is a key to good health. We can survive without water for a week and go without food for a month, but we can only live a few minutes without oxygen. ●Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. All body activities require oxygen. Through oxidation, the body generates heat and energy from its fuel, and disposes of wastes and microbes. Our bodies are two- thirds water. Since the water in our bodies is itself 8/9 oxygen by weight, we are therefore composed of over 50% oxygen. ●The best way to optimise health is to oxygenate every cell in our body. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce, and the more efficiently we can eliminate wastes. Good health is dependent on the production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by the oxidation of sugar.
●the atmosphere oxygen is normally present as oxygen molecules which are two oxygen atoms united together (O2). If this molecule is split it becomes two single oxygen atoms that we call singlet oxygen (O1) that attacks free radicals and microbes. When the diatomic oxygen in Oxyrich is absorbed into the bloodstream, enzymes break it down into singlet oxygen. (O1) Back to top ◆Oxygen deficiency or oxygen starvation can be the single greatest The following factors rob oxygen from our bodies: ◆Toxic stressWhether derived from the water we drink, the air we breath or the food we eat, we are now subject to over 70,000 different toxic contaminates, many that did not exist a decade ago. Some of these toxins deplete oxygen availability to body cells predisposing them to become cancer cells (see section on cancer). Oxygen is required for the body to even attempt to metabolise and eliminate these lethal chemicals from the body. ◆Emotional stress The body creates adrenalins and related hormones during emotionally stressful times (like every day, for many of us). The body must use its available oxygen to metabolise those chemicals back out of the body to reestablish metabolic balance. Emotional stress also leads to poor breathing habits so less oxygen is taken in. ◆Physical trauma and infectionsBacteria and viruses can put tremendous stress on the body’s immune system. When this occurs, the immune system is robbed of the oxygen that is necessary for the body’s normal metabolic function. ◆Reduction in available atmospheric oxygenStudies reveal that increased environmental pollution and green plant destruction have reduced the amount of oxygen (by as much as 50%) in our atmosphere over the last 200 years.
◆Improper Food:Modern diets do not contain the oxygen of food of bygone years and even require more oxygen to process them. ◆Lack of Exercise:Exercising increases the body’s metabolic rate as well as the intake of oxygen to help cleanse the body of built up toxins. A sedentary lifestyle reduces the body’s ability to process out toxic contaminates and to perform normal metabolic functions. Activity of Oxygen in the Body ●When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell it turns to another source of energy, usually sugar fermentation. (see section on cancer). This is an undesirable source of energy, which upsets the metabolism of the cell. It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells is unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune ability and this opens the doors to the invasion of viruses, for a virus can only develop within a cell. Thus development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of many health problems. ●When a cell is not receiving enough oxygen, it begins to ferment sugar and produce lactic acid. This lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and causes many problems such as fatigue, sore muscles and acidosis. ●The object of respiration is to bring atmospheric oxygen into close relationship with the haemoglobin of the blood and permit the interchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide, thus eliminating this end product of oxidation along with other products in minute quantities. In the process of respiration, waste products are exposed to the action of oxygen and they are “burnt up”, producing body heat. In the living organism, heat is continually being generated through the chemical action of oxygen upon carbon substances (e.g. sugars). ●When there is an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood, carbon is incompletely burned, and carbon monoxide is produced which is not readily eliminated. Through its poisonous influence, the system becomes debilitated or “run down.” Carbon monoxide is an irritant to the nervous system, it attaches to the haemoglobin in red blood cells and prevents them carrying oxygen and it interferes with organ functions. ●The body temperature is reduced below normal, which renders the system incapable of resisting the influence of various bacteria, viruses and yeast. Disease is the result. ●Low levels of oxygen increase the clumping of red blood cells reducing their ability to pick up oxygen in the lungs. Singlet oxygen (O1) reduces this clumping and increases the flexibility of the red cells, which is crucial to microcirculation through fine capillaries. Dr. C. Samuel West, a specialist in the science of lymphology and a distinguished member of the International Society of Lymphology, has proven that food present in cells without enough oxygen will turn into toxic waste and fat. The less oxygen present in the cells, the more pain we experience.
◆Science has yet to discover an anaerobic disease, infectious or putrefying bacteria that singlet oxygen does not kill. Stabilised oxygen is the only non-toxic, virtually tasteless product known that will kill these harmful bacteria in a person’s body without killing the beneficial bacteria. The Cause and Prevention of Cancer ◆Once the level of oxygen available to a cell drops below 40% of normal, the cell is forced to switch to an inferior method of energy production - anaerobic fermentation of sugar - producing carbon monoxide and lactic acid, and only 1/6 of the energy of normal cellular aerobic oxidation. The cell can never be returned to the proper oxidation system. It loses its governor on growth and wildly begins to produce copies of itself, a condition we call cancer. ◆This oxygen deficiency can be caused by many factors. There could be low levels of oxygen available to the body or some poison may reach the cell and prevent oxygen uptake, or the excretory duct of a gland may become plugged up, as in breast cancer being caused by lymph gland plugging. But the end result is the same. As soon as the oxygen level to the cell is reduced, if the cell does not die, cancer will result. Frequent small doses of respiratory poisons are therefore more dangerous than a single large dose, where there is the chance that the cells will be killed rather than become cancerous. ◆Dr Warburg pointed out that any substance that deprived a cell of oxygen was a carcinogen, if the cell was not killed outright. He stated in 1966 that it was useless to search for new carcinogens, because the result of each one was the same, cellular deprivation of oxygen. ◆He further stated that the incessant search for new carcinogens was counterproductive because it obscured the prime cause, lack of oxygen, and prevented appropriate treatment. ◆Dr Warburg’s research also showed that cancer cells cannot proliferate at all in an oxygen rich environment. The National Cancer Institute endorsed Dr. Warburg’s findings in 1952. Dr. Harry Goldbatt, who published his findings in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in 1953, continued this research. His research confirmed that lack of oxygen plays the major role in causing cells to become cancerous. ●Dr Stephen Levine, a well respected molecular biologist and geneticist and Dr. M. Kidd completed research that confirmed that oxygen is the source of life to all cells. The constant abuse we subject our bodies because of our eating and drinking habits, as well as a lack of exercise, robs precious oxygen from our bodies. Pollutants and toxic preservatives in our water, food and the air we breathe further complicate this situation. ●Dr. Kidd wrote: “Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system.” especially as it relates to the system’s resistance to disease, bacteria, and viruses. Dr. Levine added: We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single great cause of all diseases. It is believed, and supported by a great deal of research, that a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the breakdown of the immune system. ●Dr. Warburg’s research adds further emphasis to these findings. He stated that sub-optimal oxygenation of tissues and cells seen in cellular hypoxia (low oxygen) is not only the underlying cause of diseases, like cancer, but also results in a predisposition towards degenerative diseases. The lack of oxygen is the outstanding factor in immuno depressive illnesses. Thus, all three researchers conclude, an increased oxygenation of the bloodstream and cells will enhance and may restore overall health. My Experience with Oxyrich Back to top 1、 Applied undiluted directly on wounds and ulcers Oxyrich promoted healing. Even white-tailed spider ulcers have responded when taken internally as well. 2、Large doses of Oxyrich (30ml or more daily) cleared up flu symptoms in a few days. Many people who normally suffer severely in the flu season have reported that since taking Oxyrich regularly they have not had the flu. 3、 Applied directly to sunburn or heat burns, it has taken away the pain and redness and stimulated healing. 4、 Spraining my ankle one afternoon so that in a couple of hours it was very hard and swollen I rubbed Oxyrich into the swelling every 15 minutes for 3 hours. By the next morning the ankle was completely back to normal and I went bushwalking for 5 hours without any problems from the ankle. This amazed me. 5、 Applied to any insect bites it effectively stopped the pain and even white-tailed spider bites came to nothing. 6、 It has been very effective against asthma, often completely curing the problem. 7、 Some cases of “incurable” emphysema have completely returned to normal health. 8、 A number of mentally and physically tired old folk have regained their strength of 9、 In my veterinary practice I have had cancerous tumors on a number of dogs decrease in size and even disappear. A number of very old cats and dogs took on a new lease of life when given Oxyrich. General debility and a number of infectious illnesses in animals improved dramatically on Oxyrich alone. 10、 Vitamins often did not give the expected results until Oxyrich was taken as well. 11、 Many cases of arthritis improved markedly. My severely arthritic shoulder, caused by heavy work in cattle obstetrics, completely recovered after 3 months on stabilised oxygen. 12、 Cases of severe, chronic gingivitis (gum infection) completely healed when treated daily with Oxyrich. 13、 A chronic long standing root canal abscess healed
1、 Oxyrich is an extremely potent and effective broad spectrum bactericide, fungicide, antiviral anti-yeast and antiparasitic solution. 2、 In cosmetics and skin care products: Oxyrich is a natural anti-microbial preservative and oxygen enhancement that promotes overall skin health and more healthy skin metabolism. 3、 Dental hygiene: Oxyrich is a natural anti-microbial disinfectant and may be used as an oxygen - based additive to dental gels, creams, pastes and mouth rinses. Oxyrich has been demonstrated to improve tooth whiteness, reduce stains and improve the cosmetic appearance of teeth. 4、 Enhances performance of athletes and contains no banned substance. 5、 Oxyrich may be added to water as a sterilising agent. 6、 Dietary Supplement: Oxyrich is a natural, non-toxic oxygen supplement that can provide oxygen to enhance the immune system, improve cellular metabolism and be used in energy production.
What is Oxyrich? ●Thus it is non chemically formulated with no mixing of potentially toxic chemicals. Oxyrich has one of the highest concentrations of bio available stabilised oxygen available today. It contains over 50,000 parts per million of dissolved oxygen in both its diatomic form (O2) and as ozone (O3) ●Oxyrich is colourless, non-toxic, hypo allergenic, and completely safe to use as directed with no known toxicity for man or animals. ●Oxyrich is balanced to the pH of the blood stream, which is approx. 7.2 (this is definitely a first for stabilised oxygen products) so it can be used undiluted directly on skin or mucus membranes. Finally:
◆Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood, so Oxyrich can be of assistance to smokers. ◆High intake of alcohol depletes the body’s levels of oxygen, and builds up the density between the molecules of blood, causing a deficiency of oxygen being carried to all cells in the body, including the brain. This may lead to hangovers. In supplementing the body’s oxygen, Oxyrich helps put back the oxygen depleted by alcohol. ◆People living in polluted areas or regularly driving through polluted areas, can be oxygen deficient. Oxyrich assists in restoring blood oxygen levels. ◆Toxic stress depletes oxygen in the body. Whether derived from water, air o food, we are now subject to many different toxic contaminants, many of which did not exist a decade ago. Oxygen is required for the normal body processes to even attempt to metabolise and eliminate these lethal chemicals. ◆Emotional stress depletes oxygen in the body. Adrenaline and adrenaline-related hormones are created during emotionally stressful times. Oxygen plays a role in the body’s processes that metabolise those chemicals back out of the body to re-establish metabolic balance. Physical trauma and infections deplete the oxygen in the body. Bacteria and viruses can put tremendous stress on the body’s immune system, which is then robbed of oxygen necessary for the body’s normal metabolic function. ◆Improper diets deplete the oxygen in the body. Saturated fats can reduce oxygen in the bloodstream. Foods with high fat content and low nutritional values (e.g. junk and highly processed foods) have less than half the oxygen content than do foods containing complex carbohydrates. ◆A sedentary lifestyle reduces the body’s ability to process out toxic contaminants and to perform normal metabolic functions. ◆As we grow old we tend to have poorer diets and everything, including our digestion and metabolism, is less efficient. We’re more prone to a whole range of health issues. Our bodies require all of the nutritional support possible to help fight back. The healthier we are, the more responsive our immune system is, and conversely, the more toxic we are the more open to health challenges we are. Providing our bodies with an abundant source of the vital nutrient oxygen allows the basic building blocks of our health to do their work. ◆People living at higher altitudes need more oxygen. ◆The level of Oxygen in the blood has a direct link with blood pressure, ie. elevated Oxygen lowers the blood pressure. See test using Oxyrich ◆Oxyrich can top up oxygen levels in the blood. (show me)
Q:What is a good maintenance dose for Oxyrich if I am not taking it for any specific health problem? Q:How much should I take? Q:How do I take Oxyrich? Q:Can I use Oxyrich on my skin? Q:How long does it take to notice results? Q:Are there any side effects when taking Oxyrich? Q:Will Oxyrich interfere with any nutritional supplements or medications? Q:Can you take Oxyrich and other nutritional supplements or medications at the same time? Q:Can children and animals take Oxyrich? Q:Can people with high blood pressure use Oxyrich (because of the salt)? Q:Why does Oxyrich have a slight bleach taste? Q:Is Oxyrich pH balanced (not acid or alkaline)? Q:Can pregnant women take Oxyrich? Q:How much oxygen is actually in Oxyrich? A:It contains approximately 5% dissolved, stabilised di-atomic oxygen. (In actuality, it contains more than that: close to 50,000 ppm total oxygen concentration at the time of processing.) Q:How much oxygen is in regular water? Q:What is the shelf life of Oxyrich? Q:How should I store Oxyrich? Q:How is Oxyrich going to effect me if I have metal fillings or metal dentures? ◆ SO TELL ME, HOW DOES THIS WORK? ◆ Put simply, purified water (cleansed of all organic compounds and impurities) with a little salt added (to facilitate an electrolyte solution) is exposed to a serious electric charge. ◆This procedure increases the oxygen from that which is found in tap water (about 8 parts per million) and multiplied up to the OXYRICH solution of 50,000 parts per million (5% of total volume). The oxygen is “stabilised” (meaning ‘locked in’ to solution and prevented from becoming a ‘gas’). Samples from the OXYRICH Production Facility have been shown by independent laboratories to remain stable for at least two years in the unopened container and eight months in the opened container. ◆This represents a world first breakthrough not only due to the stable qualities of OXYRICH but due to the pH of 7.9 to 8.2 which makes it safe to drink! Older technologies require a chemical process that results in potentially toxic pH of 2.4 (H2O2) or pH of 12.5 (chemical salts products) which means only a few drops are safe to ingest. ◆Research conducted in Japan, USA, UK and Australia has shown that following the use of OXYRICH and dosages of 6-15ml, marked increases in the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (POZ), of around 5%-8% have been measured. HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING? ◆A similar event may be encouraged by taking OXYRICH prior to the intense exercise event. This could explain the disproportionate OZ metabolism (150-200ml min) from ingesting only 1.5ml from a 10ml dose of OXYRICH. POSSIBLE MECHANISMS? ◆This is being conducted at Victoria and Monash Universities to investigate the possible link between SPORTS OXYSHOT (Oxyrich), Enzyme 2,3 DPG and the enhanced performance reported by elite athletes and observed in the laboratory trials in the UK, USA and Australia. The End
Oxyrich is:
Oxygen may be depleted in the body through such factors as:
The symptoms of oxygen deficiency can include:
Who may find benefit from taking OxyRich? Just about everyone! Especially:
Oxyrich is manufactured using proprietary technology without the use of chemicals, it does not contain any banned substances. At manufacture Oxyrich contains no less than 5% v/v of pure di-atomic oxygen in a base of De-Ionised Grander Living Water and unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt. Oxyrich is pH balanced, therefore safe to use undiluted directly on skin or mucous membranes. Dosage: A Healthy person would use 25 drops, up to 3 ml. undiluted or in glass of water three times a day. For acute situations use 5ml 3 times a day. Chemical Description: De-Ionised Water, sodium chloride (unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt) and stabilised diatomic oxygen molecules (O2) Appearance (liquid): Liquid, non-viscous Colour (Gardner): no colour, clear Odor: mild chloride smell Density (g/cm3): 1.08 Specific Gravity: 1.08 pH: (d25’ C): 7.6-8.2 Flash Point (C): N/A Solubility: water, alcohol, and all non- petroleum solvents. Acute Oral Toxicology: None Dermal Toxicity: None Inhalation Toxicity: None Eye Irritation: Full strength, none. No eye injury. Efficacy Tests conducted
Independent Analysis: SGS U.S. Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ Nelson Laboratories, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT OxyrichTM is a broad spectrum antimicrobial solution created from water and sodium chloride (Atlantic Sea Salt) in a proprietary manufacturing process |
Oxyrich TM
Blood Pressure Study
In a controlled lab study completed in April of 1998, The American equivalent of Oxyrich, the AO2C product was tested to determine if oral consumption of the AO2C would have any effect on the systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as capillary dilation of the test subjects.
It was determined that: " Of the 6 test subjects given the AO2C, all exhibited some degree of capillary dilation (and) all exhibited a reduction in the systolic and diastolic blood pressure ranging from 2 to 8 points systolic and from 6 to 14 points diastolic."
The conclusion of the study: " The combination of component ingredients in AO2C has a positive affect, in varying degrees, on capillary dilation (and) a significant affect on the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It is the researchers opinion that AO2C results in greater metabolic efficiency which may correlate to significant energy reductions thus prolonging and enhancing the quality of an individuals life.
acknowledgement: This Study was sponsored by Bio2 International